Removing index.cfm From Mura CMS URLs on Windows/IIS
While it's fairly easy to find out how to remove 'index.cfm' from your URL if you are using Apache (see Jamie Krug's blog and Matt Woodward's too), I haven't found any information on how to go about doing it if you're using Windows with IIS. As with anything else in this world, there are definitely more ways than one to accomplish this. However, I hope to show you an extremely painless and easy way to set this up.
Since everyone has different configurations, I'll point out here that this should work with IIS6+.
Step 1
Purchase and install ISAPI/rewrite/3 from Helicon Tech. As of the date and time of the writing of this article, it's only $99 per server and includes a free 45-day trial period. I do NOT recommend the freeware ISAPI_Rewrite Lite version since it does not allow for distributed .htaccess configurations, directory or web site level configurations. Other Lite version limitations can be found here.
Step 2
Now we need to create and add a .htaccess file to the root of our site with the appropriate rewrite rules. However, you need to determine whether or not you want to include the 'SiteID' in the URL.
In Mura CMS, you have the option to either include the 'SiteID' in the URL (which is the default behavior) or exclude the 'SiteID' from the URL. You can alter this behavior by simply editing the settings.ini.cfm file located under the 'config' directory.
For example, locate the siteidinurls and if you haven't changed it, it's probably set to siteidinurls=1. Assuming yours is set this way, your URL would would be rendered like If you change that to siteidinurls=0, then your URL would be rendered as
So depending on whether or not you want the SiteID to appear in your URL, you'll want to use either Option A or Option B below.
Option A — Remove SiteID AND index.cfm
Update your settings.ini.cfm file with the following settings:
Then, drop the following code into your .htaccess file
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9/-]+)$ /index.cfm%{REQUEST_URI} [PT]
Option B — Keep SiteID but Remove index.cfm
Update your settings.ini.cfm file with the following settings:
Then, drop the following code into your .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,})/([a-zA-Z0-9/-]+)$ /$1/index.cfm/$2 [PT]
That should be it. Hope that helps our friendly Windows IIS + Mura CMS users out there.