New Plugin for Mura CMS: MuraMetaGenerator

In honor of Mura's new and improved App Store, I've release another plugin for Mura CMS into the wild called MuraMetaGenerator™. In a nutshell, this allows Mura CMS to auto-generate meta keywords and descriptions for your pages.

Why Should I Use This?

There could be a number of reasons why someone would want to use MuraMetaGenerator™. One of the best reasons is that most Authors and Editors either don't have the time and/or the knowledge of what information to put in these fields to begin with.

Also, since search engines change their algorithms daily and actually rely less and less on meta keywords and meta descriptions, why not spend your time going through the actual content of your pages and making sure your content contains the information you want indexed by search engines? After all, MuraMetaGenerator™ derives its information based on the actual page content which means you'll be following 'White Hat' Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques so your search engines rankings will most likely grow organically over time.

So go ahead and let MuraMetaGenerator™ do it for you! You can grab it from


This is pretty hot man, I'll be taking a look at it for sure!
# Posted By Steve Good | 7/29/10 1:28 PM
@Steve Good,
Thanks man, let me know if you run into any problems with it.
# Posted By Steve Withington | 7/29/10 1:36 PM
Thanks for a great plugin - this is definitely a time-saver!

I really appreciate the many helpful things you share with us about Mura.
# Posted By Suzy Naschansky | 9/30/10 3:07 PM
Your plugin causes the Embed Video Plugin to malfunction.
# Posted By Mark | 10/1/10 1:38 PM
Interesting, I'll have to take a look and see what might be causing a problem ... I'm not familiar with the 'Embed Video Plugin'
# Posted By Steve Withington | 10/2/10 2:59 AM
Hi Steve,
The Embed Video Plugin is a plugin I developed:

I received and email from a user letting me know that it's incompatible with the MuraMetaGenerator plugin. I've been meaning to test it myself and let you know about it, but haven't had much time lately. I'll play around with it tonight a bit and let you know what I find.
# Posted By Tony Garcia | 10/4/10 1:39 PM
Steve, I have a weird issue occuring. I setup the homepage with specific Meta Tags, however the other pages that do not have meta tags or content seem to just be taking the homepage meta information. I am sure it's something I am doing wrong. Thanks for your help in advance.
# Posted By Justin Christian | 11/17/12 7:37 PM

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