Learn About Beer at cf.Objective() Pecha Kucha BOF

If you're attending cf.Objective() 2010, you might be interested in a Birds of a Feather (BOF) on Friday, April 23 at 8:00 P.M. Bob Silverberg will be hosting a Pecha Kucha Night which will consist of around nine or so presentations. Each presentation is limited to 6 minutes 40 seconds and will consist of 20 slides, with each slide shown for 20 seconds.

This should be a fun BOF and will definitely cover a varying degree of subject matter. To the best of my knowledge though, most of the presentations will be about ColdFusion and other 'techie' topics ... which is why I've chosen to break things up a bit and give a presentation on something else I enjoy: beer.

That's right, I said it (or typed it actually), I'll be giving a presentation on beer. I'm still putting it all together at the moment, but I'll be attempting to cover at least some of the major milestones in the wonderful history of beer as well as a few other bits of information. It's amazing how quickly 6 minutes and 40 seconds passes by, so this will definitely be a challenge for me.

So if you're able to, please stop by and enjoy the fun. After it's all over, maybe you'll consider joining me for a pint!


I do hope you'll bring a sampling of some of your favorites to share with your audience.

This is gonna be fun, Steve
# Posted By marc esher | 4/15/10 7:00 AM
now there's an idea! yeah, this should be fun ... looking forward to seeing you again man. peace.
# Posted By Steve Withington | 4/15/10 7:16 AM
Hmm...might have to swing by, but not for long! Aaron and I are presenting Saturday morning!
# Posted By Lance Smith | 4/18/10 11:54 AM
yeah man, come on by! and good luck with your preso too.
# Posted By Steve Withington | 4/19/10 9:36 AM

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